my first follow-up

One of the most common issues with people who have tracheal resections is the recurrence of scar tissue. Not the same scar tissue that created the need for the resection to begin with, but new scar tissue that--naturally--crops up around the area where the trachea was cut, and reconnected.

My surgeon likes to go in every two weeks after surgery, to stay ahead of the game and remove said scarring.

I went in on week three, due to his schedule.

As I had mentioned before, I have been having trouble breathing on and off since the day I left the hospital. So certainly, I was prepared for him to find some scar tissue.


He found nada.

Which is incredible. And a true testament to my surgeon, and to my healing.

He was thrilled.

He did, however, note that my trachea is extremely inflamed. In his words, "Your airway looks like it's been inflicted with a bad case of road rash."

This part is scary to me because I have dealt with autoimmune disease for the past 11 years--when you are an autoimmune patient, the word 'inflammation' means bad, bad things. So it put my red flags up immediately.

Thankfully, he is on top of it.

I am on another round of antibiotics for tracheitis, as well as a steroid inhaler for the actual inflammation.

I spoke with my surgeon on the phone today, and expressed my concern that this might not actually be tracheitis, but in fact an autoimmune response to something so traumatic. Clearly, as a cardio thoracic surgeon, this is a bit out of his realm. But he has agreed that if the inhaled steroids don't do the trick within the next two weeks, then we will involve Rheumatology for another opinion.

On a good note, he does not believe this is an autoimmune response.

On a less positive note, knowing my body--I do believe it is.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just jaded. Lol.

Thankfully, severe inflammation isn't enough to create new stenosis. My surgeon's concern is just letting me out into the world with a perfect airway--he won't stop until that is the outcome.

So I will go in again on February 21st for another surgery, to check the status of the inflammation and to--hopefully--find that, once again, there is no scarring.

Clearly, I could use the continuous prayers.

Other than that, I am feeling good since surgery yesterday. I have a little bit of pain in my chest, but that's it. My throat was sore immediately after surgery, and I did end up with a little bit of an anesthesia headache--but I got a crazy good night of sleep, and woke up to both areas feeling much better.

So many of you have checked in on me, and I really appreciate it.

The flowers, the cards, the phone calls, the texts, the all means, so so much.

Thank you.



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